1. Basic Information about your Heat Alarm
Near a decorative object, door, light fitting, window
molding etc., that may prevent the heat reaching the unit
Figure 1
A Heat Alarm is an early warning device. A system based on in-
terconnected Heat Alarms and Smoke Alarms, can give you
and your family valuable extra time to escape.
Surfaces that are normally warmer or colder than the rest
of the room (for example attic hatches, uninsulated exterior
walls etc).
Recommended Locations for Interconnected Heat Alarms and Smoke Alarms
Next to or directly above heaters or air conditioning
vents, windows, wall vents etc. that can change the direc-
tion of airflow.
Install correctly, in the centre of the ceiling if possible.
Test weekly with Test Button.
Heat Alarms
In very high or awkward areas (eg. over stair shafts) where
it may be difficult to reach the alarm for testing and battery
Replace alkaline battery yearly or when it beeps once a min-
When the power is first connected the Alarm may sound for
2-3 seconds - this is normal.
Locate the unit at least 1 metre (3 feet) from dimmer con-
trolled lights and wiring - some dimmers can cause inter-
Smoke Alarms
A Heat Alarm does not prevent fires.
Plan your escape route.
Locate unit at least 1.5m (5 feet) and route wiring at least 1m
(3 feet) away for fluorescent light fittings as electrical
“noise” and/or flickering may affect the unit.
Proper fire protection requires Smoke Alarms in addition to
Heat Alarms with all units interconnected.
In excessively dirty or dusty locations where contamination
build-up could slow down response.
If you have any doubt or query about Heat Alarms consult
the supplier or your local Fire Brigade.
Figure 3
2. Locating your Heat Alarm
The Heat Alarm gives a fire warning when the temperature at the
unit reaches 58° C. It is ideal for kitchens, garages, boiler
houses and other areas where there are normally high levels of
fumes, smoke or dust i.e. places where Smoke Alarms cannot
be installed without the risk of excessive nuisance alarms. A
Heat Alarm should only be used in a room adjoining an escape
route, in conjunction with Smoke Alarms on the escape routes.
All the Heat Alarms and Smoke Alarms should be intercon-
nected to ensure the early warning will be heard, particularly by
somebody sleeping. A Heat Alarm installed in a closed room will
give early warning of fire in that room. A properly designed early
warning fire system ensures the alarm is given before the es-
cape routes become blocked with smoke - therefore there must
be Smoke Alarms along the escape routes as Heat Alarms
would not give sufficient warning. However, a fire in a closed
room (e.g. kitchen) adjoining the escape route, can eventually
cause the corridor to become smoke-logged due to smoke leak-
ing out from around the door before adequate warning can be
given by detectors in the corridor. (Smoke leaking out from a
room is often cool and slow moving so it can take a long time to
rise to the ceiling, and travel to a detector which could be some
distance away).
Heat Alarms
The air is “dead” and does not move in corners, therefore Heat
Alarms must be mounted away from corners. Place the unit at
least 30cm (12 inches) from any light fitting or decorative object
which might obstruct the heat
Rooms adjoining or on escape routes - kitchens, garages,
boiler houses etc. where Smoke Alarms are unsuitable. In-
stall within 5.3m (17 feet) of potential sources of fire.
travelling to the Alarm. Keep at
Smoke Alarms
least 15 cm (6 inches) away
from walls and corners. (See
figure 2). Wall mounting is not
1. Within 7m (23 feet) of doors to rooms where a fire is likely
to start. Corridors over 15m (46ft) should have more than
one Smoke Alarm.
recommended for Heat
2. On each storey.
Alarms. If the ceiling has a
pitched roof install an Alarm
within each apex.
(10) 9 VOLT
3. Within 3m (10 feet) of bedroom doors - so warning will be
4. All other rooms where a fire could start (except those with
cooking/car fumes or condensation).
Figure 2
Figure 1 illustrates where Heat Alarms and Smoke Alarms
should be located in a typical two storey house. The following
gives the recommended spacings to be used to ensure the early
detection of fire and that the warning will be heard:
(b) Locations to Avoid
3. Positioning your Heat Alarm
Location must comply with applicable building regulations.
(a) Ceiling Mounting
Don’t place your Heat Alarm in any of the following areas:
4. Installing your Heat Alarm
Places where extremes of temperature may occur - below
4°C or above 43°C. e.g. attics, furnace rooms etc. Directly
above ovens or kettles as the heat/steam could cause nui-
sance alarms.
(a) Attaching to Ceiling .
(NB: for wiring the interconnect see page 7)
Hot smoke rises and spreads out, so the Heat Alarm must be put
on the ceiling - preferably in the centre. The sensitive element (in
the cylindrical protrusion) must not be less than 25mm (1 inch)
or more than 150mm (6 inches) below the ceiling or roof.
The Heat Alarm is battery operated. Use figure 3, as a help in
Bathrooms, shower rooms or other rooms where the unit
may be triggered by steam or condensation.
P/N B11803
PAGE 2,3,4&5
11. Five Year Product Guarantee
Heat Alarms will not work if the batteries are depleted or if
they are not connected, or if the wrong type of battery is
used. Test regularly and replace batteries at least yearly or
when depleted.
3. Get out as fast as you can. Do not
stop for packing. Have a prear-
ranged meeting place outside for all
family members. Check everybody
is there.
Ei Electronics guarantees this product (excluding battery) for
five years from date of purchase against any defects that are
due to faulty material or workmanship. This guarantee only ap-
plies to normal conditions of use and service, and does not in-
clude damage resulting from accident, neglect, misuse,
unauthorised dismantling, or contamination howsoever caused.
This guarantee excludes incidental and consequential dam-
age. If this Heat Alarm should become defective within the war-
ranty period, it must be returned to the E.I. Co, carefully
packaged, with the problem clearly stated. (see “Getting Your
Heat Alarm Serviced”) We shall at our discretion repair or re-
place the faulty unit. Do not interfere with the Heat Alarm or at-
tempt to tamper with it. This will invalidate the guarantee.
Alarms will not detect fire if sufficient heat/smoke does not
reach the alarms. Heat/smoke may be prevented from
reaching the Alarm if the fire is too far away, for example, if
the fire is on another floor, behind a closed door, in a chim-
ney, in a wall cavity, or if the prevailing air drafts carry the
heat/smoke away. Installing heat alarms and smoke alarms
on both sides of closed doors and throughout the house or
premises as recommended in this leaflet will very signifi-
cantly improve the probability of early detection.
4. Call the Fire Brigade from a neigh-
bour’s house. Remember to give
your name and address.
The Alarms may not be heard.
5. NEVER re-enter a burning house.
An alarm may not wake a person who has taken drugs or al-
This guarantee is in addition to your statutory rights as a con-
The alarms may not detect every type of fire to give sufficient
early warning. They are particularly ineffective with: fires
caused by smoking in bed, escaping gas, violent explo-
sions. poor storage of flammable rags and/or liquids, (for ex-
ample petrol, paint, spirits etc), overloaded electrical
circuits, arson, children playing with matches.
Ei Electronics, 9 Grundy Street, Liverpool L5-9SG, U.K.
Ei Electronics, Shannon, Co.Clare, Ireland.
(b) Fire Safety Hints
Store petrol and other flammable materials in proper containers.
Discard oily or flammable rags.
Always use a metal fireplace screen and have chimneys
cleaned regularly.
The Alarms don’t last indefinitely. The manufacturer recom-
mends regular weekly testing and replacement after, at
most, 10 years, as a precaution.
P/N B11803
© Ei Electronics 2001
Replace worn or damaged sockets, switches, home wiring and
cracked or frayed electrical cords and plugs.
9. (a) Planning your Escape for when the
Alarm goes off
Do not overload electrical circuits.
Keep matches away from children.
Use the Heat Alarm and Smoke Alarm test buttons to familiarize
your family and other occupants with the Alarm sound and to
practice fire drills regularly with all occupants. Draw up a floor
plan that will show each member at least 2 escape routes from
each room in the house. Children tend to hide when they don’t
know what to do. Teach children how to escape, open windows,
and use roll up fire ladders and stools without adult help. Make
sure they know what to do if the alarm goes off - see below.
Never smoke in bed. In rooms where you do smoke, always
check under cushions for smouldering cigarettes and ashes.
Service central heating systems regularly.
Contains vital information on unit operation and installation.
Read and retain carefully. If you are just installing the unit this
leaflet MUST be given to the householder.
Be sure all electrical appliances and tools have a recognised ap-
proval label.
Futher information can be obtained from the Home office Publi-
cation entitled “Smoke Detectors in your Home” (FB2) or your lo-
cal fire prevention officer.
1. Check room doors for heat or
smoke. Do not open a hot door. Use
an alternate escape route. Close
doors behind you as you leave.
10. Getting your Heat Alarm Serviced
If your Heat Alarm fails to work after you have read the sections
on “Connecting the battery” and “Looking after your Heat Alarm”
return it for repair or replacement in a padded box (battery dis-
connected) to “Customer Assistance and Information” at the
nearest address given on the Heat Alarm or in this leaflet. State
the nature of the fault, where the Heat Alarm was purchased and
the date of purchase.
2. If smoke is heavy, crawl out, stay-
ing close to floor. Take short breaths,
if possible, through a wet cloth or
hold your breath. More people die
from smoke inhalation than from
P/N B11803
PAGE 10,11,12 &1
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