Blaupunkt FRANKFURT RCM 104 User Manual

Operating instructions  
Frankfurt RCM 104  
Table of contents  
PTY ....................................................... 34  
PTY and seek tuning ......................... 34  
PTY and scan .................................... 34  
Station naming ...................................... 35  
Quick instructions ........................ 26  
Tape operation.............................. 39  
Inserting a tape ..................................... 39  
Removing a tape ................................... 39  
Fast forward/rewind .............................. 40  
Selecting titles with CPS ....................... 40  
Autoreverse........................................... 40  
Tape type detection .............................. 40  
Scanning cassette titles ........................ 40  
B•C – Dolby NR* ................................... 40  
Skipping unrecorded tape sections with  
BLS - Blank Skip ................................... 41  
Listening to the radio during fast winding  
with RM (Radio Monitor) ....................... 41  
Care of your audio equipment............... 41  
Important notes ............................ 30  
What you really have to read ................ 30  
Traffic safety ......................................... 30  
Installation/connection .......................... 30  
Optical indication of theft protection .. 30  
KeyCard ................................................ 31  
Replacing a KeyCard......................... 31  
Reception of traffic announcements  
with RDS-EON............................... 36  
Traffic announcement priority on/off ..... 36  
Warning beep........................................ 36  
Switching the warning beep off.......... 36  
Automatic seek tuning start................... 36  
Adjusting the traffic message volume ... 36  
Selecting the operating mode ..... 31  
Radio operation with RDS (Radio  
Data System)................................. 32  
Traffic Memo (TIM) ....................... 37  
Warning ........................................ 37  
Recalling stored traffic announce-  
AF - Alternative Frequency ................... 32  
REG - Regional ..................................... 32  
Selecting the waveband ........................ 32  
Automatic seek tuning ....................... 32  
Manual seek tuning ........................... 33  
Adjusting the seek tuning sensitivity ..... 33  
Stereo - mono switch (FM).................... 33  
Changing the memory bank (FM) ......... 33  
Storing stations ..................................... 33  
Storing the strongest stations auto-  
DSC programming........................ 41  
ments ................................................. 37  
TIM standby mode when the radio is  
turned off ........................................... 37  
Setting the time in the DSC menu: .... 37  
Adjusting the TIM standby mode/  
TIM time............................................. 37  
Deactivating the TIM standby mode .. 38  
Warning............................................ 38  
RT – Radio Text .................................... 39  
CD changer control (option)........ 44  
Switching the CD mode on  
using SRC of the car radio .................... 44  
Selecting a CD/track using the rocker  
switch .................................................... 44  
SCAN .................................................... 44  
MIX........................................................ 44  
Entering/displaying CD names.............. 45  
Deleting CD names ............................... 45  
Survey of DSC default settings ............. 46  
matically with Travelstore...................... 33  
Recalling stored stations ....................... 34  
Preset scanning .................................... 34  
Scanning stations with Radio Scan....... 34  
Appendix ....................................... 46  
Technical data....................................... 46  
Quick instructions  
To operate the set when the ignition is  
switched off (KeyCard is inserted), pro-  
ceed as follows:  
Press “ON” after the double beep tone.  
The set will be turned on.  
To avoid that the battery goes flat, the  
system will be turned off automatically  
after a playback time of one hour.  
4 ML  
To change between medium wave  
1 Switching on:  
Hold down the ON button (the KeyCard  
has to be inserted), the set plays with  
the pre-adjusted volume.  
(MW) and long wave (LW) frequencies.  
Switching off:  
5 -dB - for instantly changing the volume  
Press the -dB button to instantly mute  
the audio source. The display will then  
show MUTE. Return to normal volume  
by pressing either the -dB or the VOL+  
Press ON for approximately 1 second.  
If the set was turned on by pressing  
ON, the KeyCard can be used for swit-  
ching the system on and off. Please  
read the information of chapter “Key-  
The set may also be turned off via the  
vehicle’s ignition (provided that it was  
connected correspondingly). After the  
ignition was switched off, a double  
beep tone reminds you that you should  
remove the KeyCard before leaving  
your vehicle.  
2 To change the volume:  
Press VOL+/VOL-.  
When pressing VOL-, the normal play-  
back volume is identical to the -dB (mu-  
ted) volume.  
To program the mute volume, proceed  
as follows:  
Each time the set is switched on, it will  
play with the pre-adjusted volume (VOL  
FIX). You may also change the VOL  
FIX setting (see chapter “DSC pro-  
Adjust the desired volume.  
Press -dB for approximately 2 se-  
conds (beep tone is released).  
3 FMT  
This volume will then be stored as the  
mute volume.  
Extra function:  
Press this button to store the values set  
in the DSC menu.  
Press this button to switch between the  
memory banks I, II, and T (Travelstore).  
As soon as this button is pressed, the  
system will automatically switch to FM.  
Extra function:  
Store the six most powerful stations  
automatically with Travelstore:  
Press FMT until seek tuning starts in  
the display.  
6 Rocker switch  
To stop the function:  
network, e.g. from  
Press the opposite button.  
NDR1 to NDR4 (North  
German broadcaster).  
Radio operation  
or << >>  
Changer operation  
Station search  
7 Display  
Selecting a track (upwards): Press briefly  
CUE - fast advance (audible):  
Press and hold down  
Radio mode  
Station name (NDR 2)  
Memory bank (FM I)  
down in short  
(when AF is off)  
up in short  
(when AF is off)  
Cassette mode  
Select disc  
Select disc  
TR 2 (track 2)  
Dolby B/C  
CD mode  
Repeating a track: Press briefly  
Selecting a track (downwards):  
Briefly press twice or more  
Disc number,  
title number  
Tape operation  
REVIEW - fast reverse (audible):  
Press and hold down  
Select title in  
forwards direction  
8 KeyCard  
Extra functions:  
In order to operate the set, the Key-  
see H  
see I  
Card has to be inserted.  
DSC - MODE see F  
Select function and  
program parameter.  
AFin the display  
Use the << >> buttons  
to scroll through the  
programs of a radio  
For this purpose, introduce the Key-  
Card (contact area showing up) into  
Select title in  
backwards direction  
the corresponding slot above the  
flashing KeyCard tongue.  
Read also the information given in the  
To activate/deactivate the priority for  
traffic announcements:  
Press TIM for approximately 2 seconds.  
TA (Traffic Announcement)  
> RM (Radio Monitor)  
Press this button to listen to the radio  
while fast forwarding or fast rewinding  
the tape.  
If TA lights up in the display, the system  
will only play traffic stations.  
TA on/off: Press the TIM button for  
approximately 2 seconds  
During tape operation:  
To switch RM on/off: Press RM.  
When this function is activated, the  
display shows RM.  
9 AF button (alternative frequency) du-  
ring RDS operation  
When AFlights up in the display, the  
system will automatically seek a fre-  
quency offering better reception of the  
same RDS program.  
The radio is played during fast tape run.  
< 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 - preset buttons  
You can store 6 stations on each FM  
memory bank (I, II, and T) and  
another 6 stations on MW and LW  
? BC Dolby NR  
This set allows you to play back tapes  
that have been recorded with Dolby-NR  
B, Dolby-NR C or without Dolby noise  
Press BC to adjust to the type of Dolby  
NR in which the tape was recorded or  
to disengage Dolby NR. When Dolby is  
active, the corresponding indicator B”  
or Cwill light up.  
AFon/off: Press the AF button briefly.  
When pressing the AF button for about  
2 seconds, the display will show REG-  
ON or REG-OFF (see also chapter  
REG - Regional).  
To store a station: Press button during  
radio operation and hold down until the  
radio comes on again.  
To recall a station: Select the wave-  
band. On FM, select the desired memo-  
ry bank and press the corresponding  
preset button.  
: PTY button  
Use this button to enter the PTY mode.  
In this mode, the preset buttons are  
used to select different program types,  
e.g. SPORT. The system will then only  
seek stations offering sport programs.  
@ Eject button  
= PS  
For briefly playing all receivable stati-  
ons or the titles during tape or changer  
operation (option).  
A Cassette loading slot  
; TIM/TA  
Insert tape (side A or 1 facing up, the  
open side showing to the right).  
To start/stop Scan: Press PS briefly.  
TIM (TraffIc Memo)  
To play all the stored traffic announce-  
The scan time can also be altered (see  
chapter DSC programming- SCANTI-  
Press TIM briefly.  
B Tape side selector  
To change the seek tuning sensitivi-  
ty: Press lo.  
The last setting will be automatically  
to switch over during tape  
operation. The display shows TR 1”  
(track) or TR 2.  
If the setting remains unchanged within  
8 seconds, the display will switch back  
to the previous indication.  
F DSC (Direct Software Control)  
Use the DSC function to adapt a num-  
ber of programmable basic settings to  
see chapter CD changer control.  
suit your listening preference. For more I GEO  
information, read through chapter DSC  
To adjust the Balance (left/right) and  
Fader (front/rear) settings.  
D BLS (Blank Skip)  
Use this function to skip blank sections  
of the tape.  
G LD (loudness)  
Fader front  
As soon as an unrecorded portion of  
more than 15 seconds is detected du-  
ring playback, the system will automati-  
cally forward the tape to the beginning  
of the next title.  
Use this function to boost the low fre-  
quencies for more bass, especially at  
low volume levels.  
To switch LD on/off: Press the button.  
For more information, see chapter  
DSC programming.  
In this case, the display will show  
To switch BLS on/off: Press the BLS  
When the function is active, BLSwill  
light up in the display.  
To adjust the treble and bass frequen-  
cies using the rocker button.  
Fader rear  
The last setting will be stored automati-  
If the setting remains unchanged within  
8 seconds, the display will switch back  
to be previous indication.  
E lo  
To change the seek tuning sensitivity.  
lo lit up in the display indicates normal  
seek tuning sensitivity (the system will  
pick up all powerful, nearby stations).  
lo off indicates high seek tuning sensiti-  
vity (the system will also pick up wea-  
ker stations).  
Important notes  
J RT Radio text  
the existing ones, then please read carefully  
the enclosed instructions on installation and  
Do not connect the loudspeaker outputs to  
What you really have to read  
Use this function to display message  
texts transmitted by an RDS station. RT  
messages will only be displayed if the  
ignition is switched off.  
Before you operate your new car radio, plea-  
se read the following information carefully.  
To switch RT on/off: Press RT.  
Traffic safety  
Use only the accessory and replacement  
parts approved by Blaupunkt.  
As the driver of a motor vehicle, it is your  
responsibility to pay attention to the traffic  
in a way that could distract you.  
Please keep in mind that you travel a di-  
stance of 14 m per second at a speed of only  
50 km/h.  
Do not adjust your radio in difficult driving  
conditions that demand your full attention.  
Always make sure that you are still able to  
hear any warning signals coming from outsi-  
deofthevehicle, suchaspoliceorfireengine  
sirens, so that you can react accordingly.  
K SRC (source)  
To select between the connected audio  
sources, for example cassette, radio, or  
CD changer (option).  
Optical indication of theft protection  
When the car is stationary, you can let the  
the set is equipped with security coding. Use  
DSC to select one of two settings: LED ON or  
For more information, please read through  
chapter DSC programming - LED ON/OFF.  
In order to ensure that the set functions  
properly it is necessary that the positive po-  
wer supply line is connected to the ignition  
and the permanent +12 V connector of the  
car radio.  
If you would like to install your new car radio  
Selecting the operating  
speech programs), BEEP volume, SCANTI-  
With the SRC (source) button you can select  
between the following modes:  
The car radio can only be operated using  
either KeyCard 1 or 2. Their codes are stored  
in the unit.  
Turn on the set and introduce the KeyCard  
completely. The car radio is now ready for  
operation. When inserting a wrong KeyCard,  
the display will show ----.  
After approximately 10 seconds, CARD  
ERRwill appear in the display. In this case  
do not make any further adjustments until  
you have the corresponding KeyCard availa-  
In addition to this, the settings activated be-  
fore switching the radio off, such as the  
waveband, station, TApriority, loudness, AF,  
CPS, Dolby B/C, RM, REG ON/OFF or seek  
tuning sensitivity will also remain stored.  
When you insert your KeyCard, the basic  
settings you have programmed will automa-  
tically be activated.  
CD changer (option), or  
operation of another audio component  
To select one of the operating modes, it is of  
course necessary that the corresponding  
system is available, i.e. the add-on compo-  
nent must be adequately connected and the  
soundcarrier(cassette, disc, changermaga-  
zine) inserted.  
Replacing a KeyCard  
Any KeyCard can only be replaced by a new  
one with the same number (1 or 2). Should  
you wish to replace KeyCard 2, for example:  
Never try to pull out the KeyCard by force.  
First, slightly press the card in. This releases  
Insert KeyCard 1 and switch the radio  
To switch over to the next operating mode  
LEARNING. Now you can pull out the card.  
Should the KeyCard be lost or damaged,  
then please contact one of our authorised  
service partners to get a new card.  
Slightly press the card and it will move  
into the removal position. LEARNING”  
will then appear in the display.  
press the SRC button.  
Theservicecentresaremarked( )inthecar  
radio service centre list. In case of doubt,  
please contact the central service centre in  
your country for more information on the  
KeyCard service centre closest to you.  
Use either KeyCard (1 and 2) to individually  
store the following functions as desired:  
bass, treble, balance and fader settings, pre-  
set stations, loudness, TA (traffic announce-  
ment volume), SPEECH (tone control for  
Remove KeyCard 1 and insert the new  
KeyCard 2 while the display is still  
showing LEARNING.  
Now you can operate the set with the new  
KeyCard 2.  
You can switch the radio on only after inser-  
ting either a KeyCard 1 or 2.  
Radio operation with RDS (Radio Data System)  
The Radio Data System offers you more is automatically searching for an alternative  
Selecting the waveband  
convenience when listening to FM.  
This car radio can be used in any of the three  
following wavebands:  
FM 87.5 - 108 MHz  
MW 531 - 1602 kHz, and  
LW 153 - 279 kHz  
More and more radio stations have begun to SEARCHgoes out as soon as the system  
broadcast additional RDS information a- has found an alternative frequency or after  
longside their programs.  
the frequency band has been run through  
As soon as a radio program has been identi- completely.  
fied, the station name including a regional Should the reception quality of the selected  
identifier, if applicable, will appear in the program become too bad,  
Select the desired waveband by pres-  
sing the FMT or ML button.  
display, for example NDR1 NDS(local ra-  
dio program of Lower Saxony, Germany).  
With RDS, the preset buttons become pro-  
gram buttons. Now you know exactly which  
program you have tuned into and in future  
you can select this program directly.  
tune into another program.  
To switch between MW and LW:  
press ML.  
REG - Regional  
Certain radio programs are split up at times  
into regional programs offering local infor-  
mation. If you are listening to one program  
and move to an area where another linked  
will switch to that program. If you wish to  
Automatic seek tuning  
Press / . The radio will automatically  
tune into the following station.  
If you keep the upper or lower part of the  
rocker switch depressed, seek tuning  
But RDS even offers you more advantages:  
AF - Alternative Frequency  
speeds up in upwards or downwards direc-  
TheAFfunctionmakessurethattheradiowill continue listening to the first station:  
always tune into the optimum frequency for  
the RDS station you are listening to.  
This function is activated if AFlights up in  
the display.  
Press the AF button for about 2 sec.  
The display will show REG ON.  
If you leave the service area of the regional  
station tuned into, or if you would like to take  
advantage of the full RDS service, then  
switch to REG OFF.  
In order to switch AF on/off:  
down in short  
up in short  
Press the AF button briefly.  
During seek tuning for the frequency offering  
the best reception of the selected program,  
the radio will be muted briefly.  
the radio has been switched on or one of the  
stored frequencies retrieved, then the radio  
Press the AF button for about 2 sec.  
until REG OFFis displayed.  
(when AF is off)  
(when AF is off)  
The display will show REG ONor REG  
OFFevery time the radio is switched on.  
Manual seek tuning << >>  
The unit will automatically switch to mono  
playback under poor reception conditions.  
Should you tune into a station which has  
already been stored, the corresponding pre-  
set button and the memory bank will start  
flashing in the display for a short while, if you  
have selected another memory bank.  
Prerequisite: AF is switched off!  
Press << or >> to change the frequency  
in small steps in upwards/ downwards  
Changing the memory bank (FM)  
and Tto store and to recall preset stations.  
If you hold down the right or left part of the  
rocker switch, then the car radio will move  
through the stations quickly.  
Storing the strongest stations  
automatically with Travelstore  
Press FMT until the desired memory  
bank lights up in the display (press re-  
peatedly if necessary).  
Adjusting the seek tuning sensi-  
You can use the Travelstore memory bank to  
automatically store the six strongest FM sta-  
tions sorted on the preset buttons according  
to their signal strength. This feature is espe-  
cially useful when travelling, because it will  
a finger tip as you pass through the various  
reception areas.  
The set allows you to modify the seek tuning  
If lois indicated, the radio will only pick up  
strong stations (low sensitivity).  
less powerful stations (higher sensitivity).  
The degree of sensitivity can be separately  
adjusted for both levels (see chapter DSC  
Storing stations  
Using the preset buttons 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 you  
can store six stations on each FM memory  
bank (I, II, T).  
In the MW/LW range you can store six stati-  
ons each.  
Press FMT for approximately 2 sec.  
rybank(Travelstore). Whenthisprocesshas  
been completed, the radio will tune in the  
strongest station.  
FM stations can also be stored manually on  
the Travelstore memory bank (see Storing  
Select the waveband with the FMT or  
ML button.  
Select a station with the rocker switch  
Stereo - mono switch (FM)  
(either automatically  
<< >>).  
or manually  
If reception is poor, you may get better sound  
quality if you switch to mono:  
Press the desired preset button and  
hold it down. The radio will be muted  
and resumes play after approximately 2  
Press lo for approximately 2 seconds.  
Thestereosymbol willdisappearformono  
Eachtimethecarradioisswitchedon, stereo  
playback is activated.  
Now the station has been stored. The activa-  
ted preset button is indicated in the display.  
With PTY you are prepared for the future of  
Recalling stored stations  
Scanning stations with Radio  
You can recall any stored station by pressing  
the corresponding preset button.  
Press the PTY button.  
Beginning with the station currently tuned in,  
you can scan the following stations. Choose  
the desired SCANTIME in the DSC menu.  
To activate the scan:  
You can now use the preset buttons to choo-  
se one out of six different program types.  
have their original function (see also chapter  
DSC programming - PTY SET).  
Press FMT or ML to select the wave-  
band. For FM, also choose the corre-  
sponding memory bank by pressing  
FMT until the desired bank is indicated  
in the display.  
Press PS for about 2 seconds.  
Either the scanned frequency or the  
station name starts flashing in the dis-  
play. During the actual scan process,  
SCANis flashing.  
Briefly press the corresponding preset  
PTY and seek tuning  
First switch on the PTY mode and choose a  
program type (e.g. 4 = sports). When the  
seek tuning function is activated via / , the  
radio will only capture those stations which  
transmit the selected PTY code. If no such  
station is found, the radio returns to the  
original mode. The display shows SPORT”  
for approximately 3 seconds.  
To continue listening to a scanned stati-  
on/switch the scan off:  
Preset scanning  
You can have all of the stations stored in one  
function. Choose the desired SCANTIME in  
the DSC menu.  
Briefly press PS.  
If no station is selected during the scan, the  
scan function will be automatically switched  
off after the entire frequency band has been  
passed through. The radio will revert to the  
station the scan began from.  
Briefly press PS.  
All of the stations in that waveband will  
be scanned one after another.  
PTY and scan  
For more information, please also refer to  
chapter DSC programming - SCANTIME.  
First switch on the PTY mode and choose a  
program type (e.g. 4 = sports). When the  
scan function is activated, the system will  
only sample those stations which transmit  
this PTY code.  
Depending on which memory bank has been  
activated for FM, all of the stations in either I,  
II or the Travelstore level will be scanned. If  
a preset is not in use, it is skipped.  
To stop the scan:  
The PTY signal is transmitted along with the  
RDS data telegram and contains information  
on the program type. Program types e.g. are:  
news, current affairs, information, sport, etc.  
This enables you to choose a certain type of  
program according to your personal needs.  
Press the PS button once again.  
The radio will continue to play the cur-  
rently scanned station.  
You have the choice between the capital  
letters (A-Z), special characters and the  
numbers (0-9).  
Station naming  
Using the ST NAME item of the DSC menu  
you can enter a name with a maximum of 8  
digits for all stored frequencies of memory  
banks I and II.  
MostoftheFMstationsareRDSstations, the  
names of which will be shown in the display.  
entries specified by the user. If you have  
namedanRDSstation, thisnamewillonlybe  
shown briefly and be replaced by the RDS  
name afterwards.  
Use the rocker switch << >> to move to  
the next position and select a charac-  
In this way, up to 8 characters can be en-  
Once you have completed the name as desi-  
press -dB;  
now the entry has been stored.  
The display returns to ST NAME.  
For this reason we recommend that you only  
name non-RDS stations, which only show  
their frequency but not the name.  
To name the next station:  
All long-wave stations are provided with a  
station name at the factory.  
Select it with one of the preset buttons  
(1-6); if required, change the memory  
bank and/or waveband.  
To start your entry:  
Then start to enter the next name.  
Choose a station,  
To finish the entry,  
press DSC,  
press DSC.  
select item ST NAMEwith rocker  
You will leave the DSC menu at the  
same time.  
press -dB.  
Any name entered for a preset station will be  
deleted by re-assigning it (either with a name  
or frequency).  
The first position is flashing.  
Now select a character with rocker  
switch / .  
Reception of traffic announcements with RDS-EON (Enhanced Other Networks)  
Many FM broadcasters provide their service  
area with traffic messages at regular inter-  
Traffic announcement priority  
Automatic seek tuning start  
The priority for traffic announcements is ac-  
traffic program while listening to a tape or  
disc or when having turned down the volume  
completely, the car radio will automatically  
tune into another traffic program station.  
If no such traffic program station is found  
within approximately 30 seconds, tape or  
disc reproduction will be interrupted and the  
system will release a warning beep. To  
switch the beep off, proceed as described  
If the priority for traffic announcements is  
activated, TAwill appear in the display. To  
switch the function on/off:  
All traffic program stations transmit a special  
telegram signal alongside their programs,  
which is recognised and decoded by the car  
Press the TIM button > 2 sec.  
As soon as such a signal is received, the  
display shows TP(Traffic Program).  
Other radio stations do not actually air traffic  
announcements themselves, but by using  
RDS-EON they make it possible to receive  
the traffic announcements of another station  
within the same radio network. In this case,  
TPwill light up in the display as soon as the  
priority for traffic announcements is activa-  
ted. The display must then show TA.  
If a traffic announcement is broadcast, the  
radio will automatically switch to the linked  
traffic program for the duration of the messa-  
end of the message.  
Warning beep  
If you leave the reception area of the traffic  
you will hear a warning beep after approxi-  
mately 30 seconds.  
pressing a preset without a traffic program.  
Adjusting the traffic message  
Switching the warning beep off  
a) Tune to another traffic program station:  
The volume of the warning beep and of the  
current traffic message was pre-adjusted at  
the factory. If you would like to alter the  
setting, proceed as described under DSC  
programming - TA LEVEL.  
Press the rocker switch, or  
press a preset button with a station  
offering traffic information.  
b) Switch off the priority for traffic an-  
Press TIM > 2 sec.  
In the display, the TAindication  
goes out.  
You can reduce the beep tone volume to  
the pre-selected mute volume.  
For this purpose, press -dB.  
Traffic Memo (TIM)  
This set is equipped with a digital speech  
memory, allowing up to 4 traffic messages  
lasting a maximum of 4 minutes to be auto-  
matically recorded.  
As soon as TPis displayed, the system will  
record all incoming traffic announcements of  
the adjusted station.  
If the priority for traffic announcements is  
activated (TAlights up in the display), the  
traffic station program within the same radio  
network (see also Reception of traffic an-  
nouncements with RDS-EON).  
Depending on the length of the new traffic  
bulletin, the oldest messages will be deleted.  
If a message is longer than four minutes, the  
system will display OVERFLOW after four  
to indicate that the message could only be  
recorded partially.  
Recalling stored traffic announcements  
Press the TIM button briefly.  
When pressing TIM once again, you will hear  
The display for example shows: NDR2 (sta-  
tion name or frequency), then briefly  
T4 14.30 (T4 = traffic message 4, recorded  
at 14:30). If four traffic messages were recor-  
ded, then T4always represents the most  
recent announcement, which will also be  
played first.  
Setting the time in the DSC menu:  
TIM needs the exact time in order to operate  
after every interruption of the power supply.  
Press DSC and the time will be display-  
T1 and T4.  
Hold down the  
Press << to set the hours or >> to ad-  
just the minutes.  
rocker button to move  
through the message in forwards/backwards  
direction quickly.  
Press << to go back to the beginning of the  
currently played message.  
The TIM function is switched off by either  
pressing TIM or >>.  
The corresponding value is flashing.  
To change the setting,  
press the rocker button / .  
To confirm your entry,  
press -dB or DSC.  
When pressing the -dB button, you can go on  
working in the DSC menu immediately.  
TIM standby mode when the radio is  
turned off  
Adjusting the TIM standby mode/TIM  
With this system it is possible to record inco-  
ming traffic announcements automatically at  
pre-determined times when the radio is tur-  
ned off.  
You may then recall such messages as des-  
cribed above.  
If you press the TIM button while a traffic  
announcement is being played (TA lit up in  
thedisplay), therecordingwillbeinterrupted.  
The motor antenna could be damaged in  
a car wash.  
If you have installed a motor antenna, then  
please take into account the corresponding  
warning note at the end of this chapter.  
The TIM-TIME to be set corresponds to the  
planned departure time. TIM will then be  
active 1.5 hours before and after this adju-  
sted time, so that the traffic messages will be  
recorded during a period of three hours.  
Note:Duringthisperiod, amotorantennawill  
remain extracted. Please take into account  
the warning note of the end of this chapter.  
Deactivating the TIM standby mode  
Do not switch on the radio until you have left  
the car wash.  
If the display shows TIM ON when switching  
off the radio, then the TIM timer is activated.  
The motor antenna will remain extracted.  
If you are sure,  
that now and while being in the car wash you  
are outside the recording period around the  
adjusted TIM-TIME:  
Press DSC with the radio being turned  
1.5 hours  
1.5 hours  
Use the  
rocker button to select the  
The motor antenna  
will be extracted  
item TIM TIME.  
Press -dB and switch to TIM OFF with  
Use the rocker button  
TIM-TIME in the DSC menu.  
to choose  
rocker button  
(you find this item  
between the time settings for 23:00 and  
Press << or >> to call up the adjusted  
If TIM OFF is displayed, the TIM  
function is deactivated.  
When TIM OFF is flashing,  
press DSC or -dB.  
If the motor antenna is retracted immediately  
after selecting TIM OFF, you can be assured  
that the TIM function is deactivated.  
1.5 hours  
1.5 hours  
Use the rocker button  
to set the  
The motor antenna  
will be extracted  
Use << to move to the hours or >> to  
adjust the minutes.  
Switch off the radio and press TIM.  
The display briefly shows STBY OFF.  
Confirm your entry by  
pressing -dB or DSC.  
The motor antenna could be damaged in  
a car wash.  
The antenna will then remain retracted when  
the radio is turned off (until the three-hour  
recording period starts).  
The TIM-TIME is stored.  
TIM will be active 1.5 hours before and after  
the adjusted TIM-TIME.  
Also, TIM will automatically stay on standby  
for three hours after the radio was turned off.  
When TIM is activated, the display will briefly  
show TIM ONwhen the set is switched off.  
If you have a motor antenna installed, it will  
remain extracted after you have turned off  
the radio with the TIM function being activa-  
ted. The antenna may also be extracted in  
the car wash when the set is turned off and  
the TIM function activated.  
You should by all means deactivate the  
TIMtimer(TIMOFF), if theadjustedrecor-  
ding period is soon to start.  
For this purpose:  
Press DSC with the radio being activa-  
TIM is deactivated (TIM OFF), if the  
motor antenna is retracted as soon as  
the set is turned off.  
Use the  
rocker button to select the  
You can now drive through a car wash  
when the radio is off.  
item TIM TIME.  
Tape operation  
Press -dB and switch to TIM OFF with  
rocker button (you find this item  
between the time settings for 23:00 and Park the vehicle in a suitable place and turn  
To read radiotext messages, proceed as  
In order to play a tape, the car radio has to be  
switched on.  
The unit automatically switches to tape ope-  
ration when a cassette is inserted.  
off the ignition. The radio will be switched off  
If you now turn off the radio, the anten-  
na will be retracted.  
In order to re-activate the car radio,  
press the ON button for about 1 se-  
Inserting a tape  
You can now drive into the car wash. After  
you have left the car wash, you may re-  
activate the TIM function according to your  
Turn on the set.  
Insert the cassette.  
Select a station and press RT.  
The cassette is automatically transported to  
to play back side A or 1.  
During tape operation, the display shows  
TR1 or TR2 (=track)  
It takes some time until the aired messages  
are fully available in the system. In the mean-  
time, the radio will display the message  
Afterwards, the text will be displayed.  
text information, the message NO TEXTis  
RT Radiotext  
Radiotext is an RDS feature used by the  
broadcasters to transmit texts.  
The texts can be displayed in two subse-  
quent lines with a maximum of 64 characters  
each, which are moved through the display  
Insert cassette with side A or 1  
facing up, the open side facing  
to the right  
To switch off radiotext:  
Depending on the individual broadcaster,  
these texts can be of a different nature, for  
example brief news, program information,  
commercial broadcasts, etc.  
Press the RT button once again.  
only be used if the ignition is switched off.  
When activating RT with the ignition being  
switched on, the message NO TEXTwill  
appear in the display.  
Removing a tape  
The cassette will eject.  
For this purpose,  
Fast forward/rewind  
Scanning cassette titles  
press the rocker switch as many times  
as required.  
You can have the cassette titles played  
briefly by using the scan func tion. If you like  
a title, stop the scan to continue listening to  
that track.  
Press >> to fast forward a tape (FF).  
Press << to fast rewind a tape. (FR)  
The display will show you the number of titles  
to be skipped.  
Correct your entry by pressing the opposite  
Select title in  
forwards direction  
To start/stop the scan:  
Press PS briefly.  
to stop the tape immediately.  
Choose the desired SCANTIME in the DSC  
For CPS operation it is necessary that there  
is a blank section of at least 3 seconds  
between the titles.  
BC Dolby NR*  
Use this button to play tapes recorded with  
Dolby noise reduction.  
Dolby NR-C is a further development of Dol-  
by NR-B and reduces the unwanted tape  
noise even more.  
Press BC to adjust to the type of Dolby NR  
ge Dolby NR. When Dolby is active, the  
corresponding indicator Bor Cwill light  
To switch sides while playing a cassette,  
Select title in  
backwards direction  
At the end of a side the unit will automatically  
1 or TR2for side 2.  
To stop the function:  
Press the opposite button.  
<< >> or / .  
playback, the set may switch over by itself. In  
this case check the condition of the tape.  
Sometimes it helps to rewind the cassette  
tape completely.  
Noise reduction system manufactured under license  
from Dolby Laboratories. Dolbyand the double-D  
symbol are trademarks of Dolby Laboratories.  
Selecting titles with CPS  
(Cassette Program Search)  
Use this function to repeat or skip cassette  
titles with buttons (forwards) or (back-  
Tape type detection  
Correct equalization is automatically selec-  
ted according to the tape used.  
The system allows you to skip up to 9 titles.  
DSC programming  
Using DSC (Direct Software Control), you  
can adjust certain settings and functions for  
The basic settings for this audio equipment  
have been made at the factory. Please refer  
that you can always reset to these if desired.  
If you wish to alter any of the programming,  
Skipping unrecorded tape sec-  
tions with BLS - Blank Skip  
Care of your audio equipment  
We recommend that you use only C-60/C-90  
cassette tapes in your car radio. Store your  
cassettes in a cool place away from dirt, dust  
and temperatures exceeding 50 °C. During  
cold weather, allow very cold cassettes to  
warm up before playing them in order to  
avoid uneven tape transport. Operating pro-  
blems and sound distortions may occur after  
approximately 100 hours of playing time and  
are caused by dust particles which adhere to  
the rubber roller and the audio head.  
Use a cleaner cassette to remove normal dirt  
build-up. For tougher cases, use a cotton  
swab (Q-tip) soaked with alcohol. Do not  
attempt to clean the mechanism by inserting  
a hard object into the player!  
As soon as the system detects a blank tape  
section of more than 15 seconds, the casset-  
te will automatically be fast forwarded to the  
beginning of the next track.  
The display will then show CPS-FF.  
To switch BLS on/off:  
Press BLS.  
press button DSC.  
If the function is active, BLSappears in the  
Use the rocker switch and the -dB button to  
make your selection from the following  
functions and to carry out the desired adjust-  
ments. The current setting for that function  
will appear in the display.  
Listening to the radio during fast  
winding with RM (Radio Monitor)  
When the tape is fast forwarded or rewound  
(also with CPS, SCAN, BLS), the radio is  
normally muted. To listen to the radio during  
fast winding:  
Select function  
Press RM.  
RMlights up in the display.  
Select function  
The current time will be dis-  
played, or it has to be adju-  
Use the rocker button << >>  
to select the hours or minu-  
To distribute the treble level  
among the front and rear  
speakers between +6 dB  
front and +6 dB rear.  
(only if changer is connec-  
During CD operation, use  
<<>> to select between the  
following displays:  
tes (flashing), and the  
This sound will confirm  
functions which are comple-  
ted by pressing a button for  
longer than 2 seconds.  
Adjust volume between 0  
and 9 (0 = OFF).  
NAME -  
the CD name specified with  
switch to set the time. Start  
with -dB. The precise time  
setting is required for the  
proper operation of TIM.  
TIME -  
the playback time  
the CD or track number  
CDC NAME (only if changer is connec-  
You can adjust the display  
brightness from values bet-  
ween 1 and 16. You can also  
select one day and one night  
Use this function to name  
your discs (see also CD  
changer control, Entering/  
displaying CD names)  
You can select between LED  
ON and LED OFF. When  
setting LED ON, the Key-  
Card tongue will flash for  
additional optical theft pro-  
tection when the set has  
been switched off and the  
KeyCard removed.  
Selecting the night bright-  
Use one of the values -1, 0,  
or +1 to adapt the individual  
viewing angle.  
Adjust the ANGLE so as to  
provide the best view.  
Switch on the vehicles light-  
ing system and program the  
brightness value. The audio  
equipment must be connec-  
ted with the vehicle lighting  
for this to function properly.  
LOUDNESS When listening at a low level,  
the loudness function will  
create a more natural sound  
by emphasizing the low fre-  
quency range.  
To distribute the bass level  
among the front and rear  
speakers between +6 dB  
front and +6 dB rear.  
G.................................... R  
LOUD 1 - low boost  
LOUD 6 - strong boost  
PTY LANG Use this function to select  
the language for the PTY  
indications in the display.  
Choose between DEUTSCH  
S-LO 1  
Use this function to adjust  
the seek tuning sensitivity for  
local reception.  
LO 1 - high sensitivity  
LO 3 - low sensitivity  
The seek tuning sensitivity  
values can be separately  
adjusted for AM and FM.  
To adjust the TIM time.  
To activate/deactivate TIM.  
For more information, see  
chapter Traffic Memo (TIM),  
Adjusting the TIM standby  
Use this function to change  
the default allocations of the  
preset buttons.  
(only if changer is connec-  
Press the preset button to be SPEECH  
changed. Use the rocker  
switch <</>> to select the  
desired program type and  
press the preset button once  
In future many RDS broad-  
casters will differentiate bet-  
ween music and speech  
programs. Use the SPEECH  
function to separately adjust  
the sound settings for  
Use this function to delete  
named discs in order to get  
new memory capacities for  
new CD names (see also CD  
changer control, Deleting  
CD names)  
speech programs.  
SCANTIME Use this function to specify  
the scan time for the radio or ST NAME  
Use this function to adjust  
the initial volume when the  
set is switched on.  
Use <<>> to adjust the desi-  
red initial volume.  
With this function you can  
name any preset radio stati-  
on with a character se-  
quence of up to 8 digits (see  
Station naming).  
cassette mode from between  
5 and 30 seconds.  
S-DX 1  
Use this function to adjust  
the seek tuning sensitivity for  
distant reception.  
To quit the DSC mode and store the set-  
TA LEVEL Use this function to adjust  
the volume for the traffic  
announcements and the  
warning beep from between  
1 and 9.  
DX. 1 - high sensitivity  
DX. 3 - low sensitivity  
Press DSC.  
The announcement will then  
be broadcast at this volume.  
CD changer control (option)  
This car radio allows it to remote control one  
of the following Blaupunkt CD changers:  
CDC-A03, -F03, -A05.  
To stop the scan:  
Selecting a CD/track using the  
rocker switch  
Press PS briefly. The radio will continue  
to play the title scanned last.  
Selecting a track (upwards): Press briefly  
CUE - fast advance (audible):  
Press and hold down  
Switching the CD mode on  
using SRC of the car radio  
Use this function for playing the CD tracks at  
Be sure that a CD magazine is inserted in the  
changer. Use the SRC button to change the  
audio source (radio - changer - cassette).  
MIX CD The tracks of the selected CD  
are played at random. The fol-  
lowing CDs are selected in nu-  
meric order. Their tracks will  
also be played at random.  
MIX MAG All tracks of the CD magazine  
are played at random.  
MIX OFF MIX is switched off. The tracks  
are played in numeric order.  
Select disc  
Select disc  
Press SRC until the changer functions ap- (downwards)  
pear in the display.  
First, CD ONis displayed briefly, then for  
CD1 -T1  
Repeating a track: Press briefly  
Selecting a track (downwards):  
Briefly press twice or more  
REVIEW - fast reverse (audible):  
CD = disc, T = track  
Press and hold down  
CD no.  
Track no.  
To change the MIX mode:  
Press MIX until the desired mode is  
briefly shown in the display.  
The display shows the selected mode.  
If MIX is on, MIXwill appear in the lower  
right corner of the display.  
The display mode name/time or number can  
be selected under CDC-DISP in the DSC  
Use this function for briefly sampling the CD  
To start the scan:  
Press PS on the car radio for approxi-  
mately 1 sec. The tracks will be briefly  
played in ascending order.  
To finish the entry:  
Press <<>> and LOAD CDis display-  
Entering/displaying CD names  
Press -dB. The entry is stored and you  
can now select another DSC function  
using the rocker switch / .  
WhenplayingaCD, thedisplaywillthengive  
you the entered name, for example  
After having read in the CDs of this magazi-  
ne, NEXT MAGappears in the display.  
Press DSC. The entry is stored and the  
DSC mode is automatically quit.  
To store the entry/choose the next CD:  
Press the EJECT button on the CD  
changer and insert the next magazine.  
Precondition: NAME must be selected under  
Repeat these steps for all CDs, the names of  
which you wish to maintain.  
To enter the name:  
To finish your entry, press -dB for  
about 2 sec. until UPDATINGis dis-  
played. The updating process is com-  
pleted when the display shows  
Press -dB and select the next CD to be  
named using <<>>.  
First, switch off the priority for traffic an-  
nouncements. Otherwise the entry will be  
deleted if an announcement is broadcast.  
Press the TA button to switch the TAdis-  
play off.  
Press -dB and enter a name.  
Any specified name will be deleted by re-  
assigning it with a new CD name.  
The names of all CDs inserted in the maga-  
zine remain stored in the memory. The other  
CD names have been deleted.  
You can interrupt this process by pressing  
Be sure that at least one CD is inserted in the  
CD magazine.  
Deleting CD names  
Press SRC to change to CDC.  
If you try to store more than 99 CD names,  
FULLwill be shown in the display. In this  
case you can use DSC to delete the name of  
one or more CDs in order to get new memory  
Use the CDC-UPD function to confirm all  
CDs, the names of which you wish to main-  
tain. All the other names will be deleted.  
Press DSC.  
Press the rocker switch  
until CD  
NAMEis displayed.  
Press the -dB button.  
The first character position is flashing.  
Use the rocker switch  
to enter the  
first letter, special character or digit  
from 0-9.  
Press DSC.  
Insert a magazine with the CDs, the  
names of which you wish to maintain.  
Use the rocker switch <<>> to change  
to the next position and select a cha-  
until CDC UPDis display-  
Each name may have up to 7 characters.  
Survey of DSC default settings  
Technical data  
Output power:  
4 x 20 watts RMS acc.  
to DIN 45 324  
4 x 25 watts music  
power acc. to  
DIN 45 324  
FM sensitivity:  
0.9 µV at 26 dB  
Medium position (yellow)  
S/N ratio  
Frequency response:  
S - DX  
35 - 16,000 Hz (-3 dB)  
30 - 18,000 Hz (-3 dB)  
Tape (metal)  
S - LO  
We reserve the right to make changes!  

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